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CNN - Very Fake News

CNN - Very Fake News | NOT FAKE NEWS; VERY FAKE NEWS | image tagged in cnn sucks,fake news | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
862 views, 5 upvotes, 1 comment

CNN = Fake News #CNNblackmail

CNN = Fake News
#CNNblackmail | Use factual news, not fake news; But CNN said... | image tagged in memes,batman slapping robin,cnn fake news,cnn sucks | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
371 views, 3 upvotes

Trump CNN joke

Trump CNN joke | WHAT DO YOU CALL A CNN JOURNALIST WHO WRITES A FACTUAL UNBIASED ARTICLE ABOUT ME? UNEMPLOYED | image tagged in bad pun trump,memes,cnn fake news,cnn sucks | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
427 views, 2 upvotes

Trump vs Liberal Media

847 views, 3 upvotes
by anonymous
881 views, 3 upvotes, 1 comment

They might as well just come out and admit it.

by anonymous
1,595 views, 3 upvotes, 2 comments

Journalistic integrity at its finest...

466 views, 1 upvote, 2 comments

How CNN sees trumps statements

1,502 views, 1 upvote

Urinal Guy vs. CNN

583 views, 1 upvote, 1 comment

CNN Head in Sand

2,375 views, 2 upvotes