Actually this here is what started ruining Star Wars for me. Not the fact that Anakin was there, but they took and put the young Anakin in replacing the older one. This 1 change makes a big contradiction in the film. Was there still good in Vader in episode 6? If so, why change him? If there was still good in him, then Vader changed back to Anakin before killing the emperor, and therefor the older Anakin should be portrayed. By using the younger Anakin, it says that Anakin did die in episode 3, which makes us ask the question of why there was conflict within Vader and why did he kill the emperor? Did it dawn on him that if Luke was alive then Padme wasn't dead like he was told and they should have been able to save her, but the emperor let her die? Did Vader kill the emperor out of revenge and not to save his son? If you think the creation of episode 7 is what hurt Star Wars, I have a whole list of things like this that hurt it more, and was done by the original creator.