These other gods are "demons?" That's your proof? That doesn't prove anything. You're just saying that. Saying that doesn't prove it. By the same logic, saying that God exists proves his existance. Those other religions view your god as a demon, so who is to trust? Nobody. Every religion has a massive depression in its logical core. So do all non-religious beliefs, but it's a matter of personal opinion. I mean, you don't think that way, you think everyone believes in your god but hates and rejects him, which is not true. Every single person has some different opinion religiously, no matter how small. So why do you treat every single bit of your religious beliefs like fact? The odds of you being 100% correct are one to infinity. Literally. The Bible is not proof. You have the right to believe it is the word of God, but it is not proof like you say. There IS no proof of those "other gods" being demons, you just made that up. It's possible, but the odds are infinitely slim. Few Christians believe that, anyways.