All I need to do to throw that out is to point at all the other developed countries that have constitutions, that have a federal gov, and that have more sensible gun control, to prove that EVERYTHING is not a slippery slope. Sometimes we get stuck in things because we are worried about slippery slopes.
I am familiar with the boiling Frog, and the poem. But you cant yell FIRE in a movie theater, you cant call in a bomb threat, you cant make death threats to someone... there are always rightful exceptions to the rule.
And, if you have to point out "shall not be infringed", then I must point out "well regulated militia". Militia defined as a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency, that should be WELL REGULATED. This would better fit national guard reservists, but if you are going to imply it fits a normal citizen, then how might I ask are you being "well regulated". Regulated means control or supervise (something, especially a company or business activity) by means of rules and regulations. So basically, if we are applying milita to mean any citizen, then the framers clearly wanted gun laws. LOL