I just remember reading the rules when I first started and it said no nudity, but bikini's are ok if you mark them nsfw. I've seen stuff get through that if I was a mod I'd never let pass. And then this one I just did yesterday can't get past submission imgflip.com/i/w6vks
Yea, I don't know exactly how to explain that one? It's odd, I've had memes that have nothing even close to NSFW not get featured, I for reasons I couldn't explain!
I guess it has to be there are a lot more than one Mods on this site. I've tried to figure out like when the latest will be posted and when the best time to submit is. None of it makes any sense but maybe that's how they want it. Luckily I can just look for people like you and the others I like by name so that I don't miss what does get past the mods.
I've made some comments and gone down in flames some big that you could use them to heat a house in Siberia! I'm a legend in that way, I'm also a legend in my own mind, too! Because I know I not in everyone's else's mind! Lol
Well some of my favorite people on here had a big reaction to you coming back so I knew we would get along. I appreciate the compliments I think we both just like the same type of humor and that's just f**king awesome ;)
Cool, well a couple of people told me I've e got to check Jying, so I did and instantly recognized that we have a very similar sense of humor. And it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who's gone down in flames!! Ha ha!! Lol
Yeah bro, I was told the same. This is a great site and I feel very lucky that anybody would say hey this dude is funny. I've always been good at parties and such but this is so much better because you don't have to think on your toes.Though I still manage to stick my whole foot in my mouth from time to time!
I like this site a lot, it's a little gem in a internet full of crap! It's also the most illogical too, in the way that a meme you think is funny or great, turns out to not be so, but the one meme you spent under a minute on and thought nothing of it is a smash hit! Even Socrates said "Forget about figuring out!" and he's been here awhile! Lol
Hmmmmm, well, you have a bazillion points anyway! Lol. No, that sucks! I get something that doesn't feature maybe once a week, maybe twice a week, but everyday? Damn! Either you're really pushing the limits or a Mod doesn't like you! :(
I had them flag the word "Porn". Actually, it was for this meme, instead of written now, I had put: "those that are in school are watching porn!" And they flagged it!! Why? It's stupid! I understand some things should be flagged, but most of it is ridiculous!
Yea, that's what I figured! Funny enough I had to make this meme twice because the first one was flagged, the irony!! Lol. Merry Christmas, by the way!!