I know this is probably going in deaf men's ears, but randomly bombing shit isn't going to solve the core problem of terrorrism. Hell, that's been your standard go-to response to everything in the past, and look at how well that's turned out for you. Will you please, for the good of the world, learn from the past for once?
I agree ISIS needs to be stopped and of course lethal force will be necessary for that. But the reactions from Russia and France are doing a lot of harm, maybe even more harm than good. They've rushed into large-scale bombings in an ill-advised attempt to "look strong", no doubt with huge political agendas. (Especially Hollande in France needed to show he's not the "soft weakling" the opposition wants everyone to believe him to be.) The problem is not only that these bombings aren't damaging ISIS as much as you might think, it's that the rush of execution is causing far too much collateral damage, making the people (especially the young people) in the bombed regions traumatized and highly susceptible to anti-Westernism. We already have an image of paternizing assholes out there (arguably rightly so), let's not make it worse. Colonial times are still not that long ago for some of the countries ISIS and their affiliates are active in, and they're making full use of any remnant feelings of resentment towards the West.
Our current meddlings are not helping to turn those feelings around. Imagine if China were to start bombing your country because they don't like the way it's being run? They might be absolutely right (like we might be about democracy being better than dictatorship) but that's not going to change the fact you'll grow to dislike the Chinese because of their "we know better" attitude. Especially if e.g. your loved ones died from a Chinese bomb dropped on the wrong target.
Stop trying to make this into a simple issue, because it's not. And it's definitely not about who has the bigger guns (or balls). That's caveman thinking.