I didn't generalize at all. If you could actually read, that would be obvious. I'm not venting, I'm criticizing. I'm being offensive on purpose....I lived in the US for a year. All I realized is that no one speaks about politics in public, just like in Europe. Oh wait, no. I heard that greed is apparently a positive thing. Your culture is barbaric, look at all your violent crime. I can feel safe here, without owning a gun. I think that's really nice. Not having to own a tool that's intended to injure or kill people.
Your internal politics are polarized on EVERY issue. You are either against or for something, there is no gray. Your democracy is a farce, it only works for those who have enough money to influence it. American politics are ridiculous, through and through. You refuse to use reason and logic to decide anything and make everything emotional.
I'm not saying that politics where I live are great, but they're better than what you have.
The only culture you have that's known to the world is a gun-ho attitude, patriotic beyond reason (e.g. nationalist) and incredibly self-important.
I usually have no interest in purely criticizing any country, but the way you approach these issues leaves me no choice, really.
So you're either a troll that puts a lot of effort into his attempts to provoke people or you're stupid, incredibly so. Whatever the case, I'm done talking AT you.