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muemmel (2541)
Joined 2015-12-07
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Conspiracy Keanu in fun
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Thank you...?
X, X Everywhere in fun
0 ups, 9y
And again you're being dishonest. I'm done.
X, X Everywhere in fun
0 ups, 9y
As an aside. I'm not bigoted towards America. I lived there for a year and I loved it. I still disagree with a lot of the politics. I also repeatedly said I'm an avid critic of my own country, which means that I think that it does have a lot of shortcomings and is indeed responsibly for a lot of things that go wrong in the world.
X, X Everywhere in fun
0 ups, 9y
Look up the definition of loyal. It does not anywhere say that love is required.

Look up the definition of nationalist. It does not anywhere imply a need for loving your country. It suggest patriotic feelings towards your country, which merely imply any emotional attachment to it. That does not have to be love.

Your description of a patriot is pretty much spot on. However, again, the concept of patriotism does not require "love", it merely requires emotional attachment. I will grant you that the patriots usually referred to in western dialogue are the American kind, which probably love their country.

Yes, a nationalist will be a patriot and loyalist. But a patriot will not automatically be a nationalist. Neither will a loyalist automatically be a nationalist. Which is why they're synonyms, not synonymous.

Ironically enough, interchangeable is a synonym for synonymous. Synonymous is for the vast majority of the time used as "meaning the same".

I am not making any conjectures. I'm merely reading what you say. I'm not as audacious as you and claim things beyond what is written.

I am not keeping on trying to claim anything about America. I didn't even really mention it here apart from implying it in the meme. I also didn't make any argument by stating that American's wonder why the world thinks they're idiots. I merely stated a fact. A lot of American's don't like the image they have in the world.

I didn't make this meme in reply to you either. You must think of yourself as very important to claim that. There are other Americans than you, you know.

I didn't say you don't use wikipedia, I made a quip about how you probably prefer conservapedia.

You are playing semantics here on something we already agreed upon. Yes, you did claim my description of nationalism was a description of isolationism instead. I just have to scroll down a bit to see it right there. I could even post a screenshot.

I didn't imply nationalist means "keep everyone else out of the country". I talked about outside influence, that is not the same.

The majority of your last paragraph is wordplay without meaning. You're contradicting yourself. You're merely swapping words around and playing on the minor semantic difference between nationalists/nationalism and isolationists/isolationism.

This was fun while you were actually putting forth (idiotic) arguments. Now you're just being incredibly dishonest and are trying to provoke me.
X, X Everywhere in fun
0 ups, 9y