I wish abortions were never desired, or needed, also. I kind of posed the question because both sides of the issue are missing something the other might add to actually contribute to lowering abortions. I'm uneasy with punishing abortions by law, because that may lower the number we know about, but there will still be women wanting them, not merely for "convenience", but sometimes, in their minds, for compassionate reasons, in places where it is so traumatic to be, or to raise a child, often alone. So economic growth reduces abortions. But abortion rates are much lower in economies where people do not have as many serious financial worries. Studies also show that abstinence only programs don't reduce pregnancy, but when given all the information about parenthood, birth control, and std's, pregnancy rates go down. I also posed the question as a variation on the "evil stranger with a gun" scenario some people use when we say we don't choose to have guns in our house. I feel having a police force at our call is sufficient, and the "stranger in the house" is a very low statistical likelihood (as is a pregnant woman in public wielding a firearm). Anyway, thanks for responding.