Absolutely correct.
When you live in faith, you're invincible and blessed beyond measure. When you live by both faith and the Spirit, you're like a really overpowered tank.
When you live by faith, you don't say things like "ohh my tuberculosis or cancer or whatever is getting worse" instead you say "I HAVE no sickness because Psalms 91 says I have protection from all things because I make my home in the Lord, and no sickness can come near me," and because of His blessings, we have prosperity in all things beyond measure
When you live by the Holy Spirit, that means you have your heart open and obedient to Him to receive his instruction. We listen to Him, and we hear it, because it says in John 10 in the first few verses, "I call my sheep by name, and they hear me, and they KNOW my voice, a stranger they do not follow" So when we are listening, we hear His voice, because we were literally made to have conversations with God, and we know it, and we can discern the voice of the enemy and the voice of the Shepherd, and we understand everything He says in His Word, because when he speaks, it's the same Word that's in the Bible, which is why we must read continually, as to become even more familiar with his voice
While we have it great, God wants us to live in the Spirit and in faith, too many times are us believers just satisfied with staying satisfied living in faith and being saved, we must obey Him, listening for Him, we must stop being imitators of Christ and start being EXACT REPLICAS, because that's what we are supposed to be, because this world has a hardened heart, and because it can't see the proof around it, we have to start showing them through the miracles brought by being obedient to the voice of the Spirit