You clearly don't know what you're talking about, but then again this his usually true of the mocking arrogant, So eager to display what in their own mind is valuable knowledge, but in reality ignorance.
I'm also not sure where you received your education, but wherever it was, I would ask for a refund for yourself, your parents or the tax payers who funded it.
A) Who is " We " ? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? Yes, we Christians clearly do know Jews were enslaved in Egypt. The exact date is disputed, but there is support for a early date of 1440 BC or a later date of 1290 BC, both of which would have put the exodus in the 18th to 20th pharaonic dynasties, Not the 13th dynasty as you ignorantly suggested.
The most well documented piece of literature in antiquity ( The bible ) has told us there were Jews enslaved in Egypt and archaeological digs support this. The bible is so trustworthy in regards to it's historical accuracy, the worlds greatest archaeologists consult it so they know where to dig.
The bible has also been mocked time and time again for claims it alone has made, only to later have those claims validated by archaeology and those who mocked them wearing egg on their face. Sorry. Simply dismissing literature you don't like is conjectural bias, not an argument or evidence for or against a claim.
B) The exact dynastic reign of Nubian Pharaohs in Egypt among historians has to be one of my most controversial and disputed areas of Egyptology, and yet you state it here with specificity as if you have personal smart phone footage with a time stamp. This is what I would call intellectual dishonesty and confirmation bias.
Gene Wilder is dead and Willy Wonka, like your historical beliefs, is a made up fairy tale.
Repent of your sins and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.