I consider myself very left of the political spectrum...I understand fundamentalist Republican ideology, and supported Ron Paul Tremendously for the Republican Nomination...however, them being the party of Bullshit (look at congress), They favoured Bachman over him, which to me is saddening. I myself did vote for Obama, and would have done it again (Sarah Palin with the possibility of being president is quite scary, and Mitt Romney's money in swiss bank accounts did upset me greatly). I have been proud of my president (despite all the constant criticism), and have opposed certain things he has done (TTP for example; it could work out for the benefit of our country, but that would mean that the other country's that are part of the deal would have to be held at the same standards as the US, and that won't happen for years).
For this years election, my vote is on Bernie Sanders, With Lincoln Chafee as my runner-up. I would support Clinton more if she was more like her husband Bill Clinton, and not creating insane super-PACs to benefit her campaign. I'll be honest, my gender is male, and my race is mixed (Japanese (father), American (Born in Arizona, Grand-father served at DMAFB) & Latino (My mother is from Bolivia, and her parents moved to the US Legally, where my Grand-father served in Vietnam)), And I would love to see a woman president, and it's long overdue, however, Hillary Clinton does not support many of my values, and therefore makes her unfavourable to me