Welcome to Community Park, USA!
You can't cook food (we have vendors to "sell"(rip you off) food to you.
Don't think about camping out under those stars..even if you're just overnighting it.
Police will be harassing everyone all night. Gotta keep that "successful" War on Drugs, goin y'know.
Don't even think about drinking.
Yeah, we know Americans have had their own fireworks for Generations, but....f**k that. And f**k you too, American citizen.
Yes, this is a Community Park. No, you can't bring any pets. Why? How dare you ask?! OBEY.
Oh yeah...all the really fun shit for your kids will close about 2hrs before the Fireworks, so keep those lil tykes in line..or we'll have Event Security force you to leave.
We're watching you. Always watching, now.
"Have a grrrrrreat time! Freedom! Yaaay!"