I missed something, where did he say anything about America a Native Americans?
But anywho, unlike Native Americans who, by some strange coincidence, actually live in America and were living in America when they were first encountered in America by Europeans when America itself was first encountered by Europeans, European Jews were living in Europe. For 2,000 years. In fact, it's almost a miracle that anything Jewish is left in them, as they have only 30% Jewish DNA. The rest is European. Because that's where they've been for 2,000 years.
That's why they don't look like actual Middle Eastern Semites, including their fellow Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews, which, as we know, are treated like second class citizens at best in Israel by Ashkenazi Jews, who, ironically, think themselves superior to Middle Eastern Jews because they have more European blood in them than Jewish blood.
Go figure.