(Quick run-down: If you've ever heard of James Rogers, son of Steve Rogers, you'll know he uses a holographic shield generated by a special gauntlet he wears. My character, Matthew Rogers, is James' son, and uses a similar gauntlet. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, wears a medium blue coat with red and white lines and a star on the left side of his chest, a solid black shirt, blue pants, and brown boots. He's actually a Sergeant in the Army, but Sergeant America doesn't have the same ring to it, so he just took the moniker his father and grandfather used, his grandfather, of course, being Steve)
*A holographic shield came flying towards the man, slamming him in the back. This was followed by a strong left-hook across his jaw, and a knee to the groin, courtesy of Matt. He turned to Daph and grabbed a pair of tweezers from his jacket.*
"You alright, man?"
*He carefully extracted the glass from his friend's arm, careful not to hurt or cut him any more than he already was.*