The fixation with the afterlife screws with their minds. Nothing in this life matters (except belief at the very last moment). Ironically, it was Jesus who supposedly said (personally, I don't think he ever actually existed) that "They will know you're my disciples by how you treat each other" and most of his teachings centered around doing good deeds, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, providing shelter, taking care of widows and orphans. Paul had an opposite view -- centered on faith and belief. "For by grace you are saved, through faith, and this [referring to the faith] is not of yourselves, not of works [like Jesus said], so that no one can boast." It's almost like two different gospels.
Now, I personally think that the four gospels were written as fan fiction to support Paul's delisional beliefs and psychosis (dreams and visions) but it's ironic to note the differences.