Do you know how you’re being played?
Do you understand that you are being corralled into believing what you believe?
No, You don’t Yet. But, pay attention. You see, it’s all part of the GAME the globalists are running. And once one steps outside of the box of the uninformed & gullible, they can see it.
Think about it from the perspective of the Hegelian Dialectic. The end result the Globalist wants, is to control the food supply of the useless eaters, & then give the useless eaters the “food” that Globalists created. Power & Control.
But there are too many factory farms, too many chickens & cows. How to eliminate them? Ah… we scare the hell out of the population, so they’ll WANT the birds dead. VIRUS! INFECTIONS! Hmmm. Now, if only the birds got sick. What to do? Globalist calls Fauci over at DARPA, to see how that gain-of-function is going on that manufactured bird flu. Perfect… release the amplified virus!
Arggg, there’s a sick chicken! Help! A rerun of covid… I’m terrified! Oh, please help us, you wise & mighty Globalist. Well ok. You asked for it. We will slaughter every bird used for food (because no other birds are getting the Bird flu. Hmmm?). That will protect you & eliminate this threat (that we created so you would want us to kill them).
Oh look… no more food. What do we do? Luckily… Bill Gates has such forward thinking, he’s already come up with a solution! LAB GROWN CHICKEN & BEEF! Gates to the rescue!
Wow, what fortunate timing, for him. Who would have ever considered eating LAB GROWN CHICKEN BEEF? Right… nobody. But now, that’s the only thing available. Well, gotta eat. Pass me a test tube thigh.
Are ya catching on? Did you already know about the Hegelian Dialectic, & how THEY use it against US? Once you understand that, then you won’t be so gullible to believe that these things just occur naturally, organically. You won’t believe that these events are random, & unrelated. Then you’ll start putting the pieces together & see that, hey… this has ALL been a big scam… against We The People. An effective PSYOP to get people to believe that, Oh look, an infected chicken, with a particularly bad strain of flu. Curious. Well, gotta cull ‘em all! No - standard logic has no place in this MIND GAME. Ya gotta open your mind to the fact that WE ARE BEING ATTACKED. Accept that, & then start looking around at ALL the other ways you’re BEING PLAYED.
I’M the messenger. Get pissed at THEM, not me.