Aside from your likely unverified "facts", the point seems to have bounced off you like bullets bounce of Superman.
I don't care how much AF1 costs to operate, or what it costs for Trump to go to the Super Bowl, the Daytona 500, etc. When he does that, people love it, and the cost is PEANUTS compared to all the WASTE, FRAUD, ABUSE, KICKBACKS, BRIBES, etc., that your ilk on the left are willing to fight for.
I suppose you're perfectly content with the $4.7 TRILLION in Treasury payments that are untraceable? Eh, who really needs to know where our money goes and what it's used for?
I hope you and your dem friends continue to scream about and fight for this, because we the people have had enough of the govt wasting our money.
You had a nice run, but the govt ATM machine is closed under President Trump. Your PIN has been FIRED!
Dems don't care tho... because nothing screams political savvy like insisting on maintaining a system that has us in debt to the tune of $36.5 TRILLION.
Please, continue to FAIL at defending that system. We'll see which side the voters think is best at the midterms.