Thank you for defending homeschooling. Homeschooled kids often outperform public school kids. If an entire community decided to homeschool their children, there would be several advantages to doing so.
1. That community could completely eliminate their public schools if no one wants to use them.
2. Without needing to spend money or time on public schools, the community would have more freedom. They could spend more time and money on other things, such as adding books and other materials to libraries, fixing/repainting roads and other infrastructure elements, sprucing up parks and recreation centers, and upgrading equipment for first responders. They could also lower property tax rates and encourage residents and businesses to move in. Did you know that 60-70% of property taxes are used to pay for public schools?
3. If public schools are eliminated in a community, the land could be used by the city for parks, for new police or fire stations, or for new homes or businesses.