Privacy has nothing to do with this. That's a red herring being pushed by the left and their sycophant toadies in the media, and lapped up by only those who are absolutely not interested in finding out the truth.
The left couldn't be the ultimate grifters that they are without a HUGE part of the govt being un-elected, un-bonded, randos; that being the administrative state. For example, the EPA can just unilaterally issue rules that are codified and those who break them are penalized.
The left simply cannot exist without a huge govt that they are trying to force people to rely on. They simply cannot tolerate American excellence and individualism, because it would show the sheeple that they don't need the govt to thrive, or even to survive.
Next comes the problems they create, that 'only govt' can solve. They throw money at the problems but never really solve them, so they keep coming back for more and more money. And when I say coming back, it means they're coming back to their only source of money, which is we the people.
But the money never really solves problems, but instead it goes to the grifters in the administrative state, for example USAID.