How can someone who watched Trump for the entirety of his first administration and the couple of weeks of 2.0 have ZERO ability to follow what's going on, and even more ridiculously, think Trump wants to actually relocate millions of people.?
It *almost* seems like you've not been paying attention to how Trump works, stanley?
I'm very sad to see that it looks like you may have been upgraded to TOS (Trump Obsession Syndrome). If you'd only had that sooner, you *might* have been able to follow along with how Trump negotiates and GETS THINGS DONE.
Speaking of getting things done, that is something that the warm bowl of oatmeal who has been lost in the oval the last four years could not do. Which also applies to the entirety of the American govt for years, and multiple middle east govts for years.
So for someone who has supported FAILED attempts at middle east peace solutions from his own demontard leaders for years, I'd think you'd be a little more open minded about the first round of negotiations from a PROVEN WINNER, aka Trump. His style is obvious to anyone who has watched him. On a scale of 1 to 100, he'll ask for 100 even though he'd be happy at 25. Then he negotiates down to 75 and makes a deal 50 higher than he wanted in the first place.
SUCCESSFUL people negotiate like that. For the life of me, I can't understand why you stanley, an obviously intelligent and thoughtful person has not picked up on that.