You are absolutely right. In the past, I had been studying sociology for quite some time, and there was this stupid class called “religious studies”, taught by some papist priest. He had so sh*tty arguments that I was on the verge of vomiting whenever I heard them. E. g. God MUST exist, because if he did not exist, people would lose the meaning of their life or sth like that. Now anyone possessing the slightest amount of logic will recognize this as a fallacious argument, since truth depends solely on proof and clear demonstration, and not on desires or hopes or wishes. Just how f**ked up one’s mind must be to not only believe, but actually teach such total nonsense? However, the said class had one salutary effect at least, namely it confirmed my opinion that all religions are based on stupidity, fear, superstition and ignorance. And to think that these mentally ill morons have the right to vote…that’s terrifying.