Please elaborate. Are we discussing Dead Sea Scrolls, or what exactly ?
From what one can ascertain online, this is how the that referred to, did age:
Apparently the version that VATICAN I around the year 400 A.D. compiled from the collection of Books up for consideration for inclusion, and the 1546 Council of Trent which assured that this version of the collection of books in a Biblios, contain more than modern Protestant Versions,
....such as post 1600 King James Protestant English Language translation version seems to provide except as an "Apocrypha".
according to paraphrasing "Books not in Protestant Bible" article.
Seems the protestant versions of the bible effectively "BAN" by omission:
1 & 2 Maccabees, Tobit, Judith, Sirach, Wisdom, and Baruch and provide shorter versions for Daniel and Esther than bibles used by Orthodox churches, Eastern Catholics, and Roman Catholics
Although, the King James version is printed to include Maccabees 1 and some with Maccabees 2, apparently it is not considered an "Official" book that belongs in there for Protestants.
Oh, and apparently the Moravians beat the Lutherans to the punch in splintering off from Catholicism
The Torah scrolls are fairly the source apparently for the Old Testament, translated.
Yet there are better experts and information on such that I'd have to defer.