It will make sense to you when you're older and you realize that all these people who voted for Trump or W Bush or Clinton or Reagan, etc, weren't really just pretending to be on the somewhat 'limited capacity' side. Who knows what kind of cartoon character they would have voted for when they were younger than 18.
I myself am damn glad I was too young to vote in 1980.
First I was for Ted Kennedy, then it was, "Wait, Chappaquiwho?"
Now I can't stomach any of the Kennedys, including and especially Saint JFK.
Then I was for Reagan. Yes, Ronald Reagan. When he was talking about trimming government waste, I thought he meant trimming the waste government wasted on itself with high salaries and $40,000 toilet seats.
Then I was for John Anderson.
In retrospect, I wish I could have voted for Carter. And this was decades later, well after I was 18.
Thing is, I'm the only individual I've ever encountered in the entirety of my life who thought of themself as an imbecile, even when I was a kid. Everybody else thinks they're smart, even those with the IQ of a pickled walnut - them more so than others, in fact.
Ok, not everybody's that mentally incapacitated when they're young, but even the more intelligent ones are constricted by their own experience and naivete.