TRUMP CULT SYNDROME , all ready to sell out military secrets to russia, again, over 400 documents after fbi already hit his home, then deals were brokered through his kids and close circle of friends, lucky this isnt the good ol days he would of been hung for treason. same selling out american industries, and using cheap migrant labor deportation to expedite the need to do it. as for selling out national and global security for kicbacks... some people don't understand their very own ignorance to spite their arrogance. your privileged entitlement overcomes you. enjoy yourselves and assimilate yourselves while your great empire falls. blk horse prophecy... covid.... la fires. more and more and dont forget russia, and building that china war chest, and weakening allies and selling out industries and getting nato to turn on the USA, to help Russia, and dumping the American dollar and forming brics against the US economy. and dumping the nuke peace treaty with russia to help russia, and removing oil sanctions and food and gas then helping russia with those same resources. how much does it take for an idiot to wake up? its past that . way past that now. irreversible damage much?