So those people of Muslim faith were probably not too happy to be continually pushed off their land because all of the sudden in the 1940s this place called Israel started pushing it's boundaries further and further into what has been their home lands for what has been hundreds of years. Then when they attack their oppressors we are told Israel must defend against these "unprovoked attacks". Attacks that are very much provoked by constant land seizure. I really don't know the Israel loving right can't see that the best response of the United States would be "not our problem, f**k both of you, there shall be no aid given, not our problem" Surly it is not very intelligent on our part to support a rogue nation who killed 34 of our sailors. But we send them billions of dollars they use killing civilians, money we could be using fixing the many broken things we have in America. So just do me a favor if you support Israel, make sure you wear with the honor the disrespect you have for the 34 Americans that were killed by Israel on board the USS Liberty