Micro-aggressions only created a new way to fabricate racism where it may or may not exist. You cannot always judge a person's facial expressions as meaning what you think it means. And if you are already biased into thinking that everyone is racist then you interpretation of facial expressions will always be that the person is racist.
To me, micro-aggression is mostly a real false science that was invented so as to keep the money flowing to the race baiters. There maybe some truth to it but for the most part it is just guessing what is on someone's mind based on a reaction.
For example, if I a white guy look at a black guy and I make an expression of disgust, does that mean I am disgusted with blacks as a whole, just this guy or did a bird just poop on his shoulder. Or maybe he has a booger hanging out of his nose. That is not to say that blacks are notorious for having boogers hanging out of his nose or birds single out black guys to poop on but this kind of stuff just happens and it happens to everyone.
What I am saying is there is a whole lot of reasons for facial expressions. Blaming all negative expressions on racism is just looking for racism.
Some people have RBF and to accuse them of something just because they have RBF is complete ignorance. In case you are unfamiliar with RBF, it stands for Resting Bitch Face. Some people just look mean when they are doing or thinking about anything in particular.
To include micro-aggression in with all other racism focuses too much in the wrong direction. What you want to focus on is what did someone do to you, not about how someone made you feel. Did you lose a job because of racism, where you excluded from entering a public building because of racism. Were you assaulted because of your race. That is real racism.
Just because someone looked at you funny is not racism. Just because you are of one race and you enter a room of people who are of another race and it makes you feel like an outsider is not racism.
How you feel is not racism.
Racism is something negative that happens to you based completely on your race. All races have racist people, it is not just white people. The so-called "people of color", the idea where you lump people of every race other than white into a group so that you can pit them against white people is racist. And those races, ethnicities or whatever in that group will be racist against other people in that group.
Anyway, I'm just rambling on. I'll shut up now