In order to indoctrinate their followers and secure obedience, religions frequently tear people down, creating an emptiness that must then be filled with Jesus, Allah, Joseph Smith, Vishnu, Odin, Horus, or any other deity. People are told that they are inherently bad or sinful and that the only way to become good is by giving over control of their lives to faith in some unseeable being. Religions also indoctrinate their followers and secure obedience by creating a fear of death or eternal punishment (for finite sins) that can only be assuaged by convincing the believing of an afterlife (but no proof will be provided).
As there is no evidence that any of that is true, religion, in effect, is creating an imaginary problem simply so that it can sell an imaginary solution. The learned helplessness created by religion can open the way for charlatans and con artists to take advantage of gullible, vulnerable people. False ideas about the universe, including promises that good people are rewarded and sinful people punished, can set false expectations among believers and strip them of the tools they need to properly cope with the challenging events of their lives in a healthy way. It’s often better to face reality head-on and attempt to cope with it directly rather than comfort oneself with deception. As Bertrand Russell once said, “No satisfaction based upon self-deception is solid, and, however unpleasant the truth may be, it is better to face it once for all, to get used to it, and to proceed to build your life in accordance with it.”
Much of this impulse in human culture to create a religion is driven by people's own existential angst, their innate and instinctive fear of death, their own death and the death of the people they love. It can seem easier to deal with death by convincing ourselves that it is not real. "My loved one is not dead - they are in heaven and we will see each other again!", we tell ourselves. And ... "Of course I will never 'die!' that's absurd! I'll just go to a 'better' place."
The other impulse in human culture to create a religion is driven by the desire for power and money. An all powerful god wouldn't need your money but his representatives are always crowing about the tithe. Power and wealth. Power over other men. Power over women. Power over culture. Power over society. That's all religion is truly about at its core.
You all need to grow up. And make the most of the time you actually do have. You are mortal. Death is real ...