That's what the fear mongers are telling you, not what Trump ran on. There was a problem on the left in the lection that every times they tries criticizing one of Trump's actual policies, his approval went up.
Don't forget, good intensions are not enough for a good result. Those programs are headed for a crash as it is. If they aren't changed, they will cease to exist do to the money train being overburdened.
I sincerely hope that Musk does buy it; but Comcast hasn't yet put it up for sale, and so even if he is interested, everyone will have to wait. By the way, I agree about the need for a sarcasm font or button or something.
Perhaps you can wait until they actually, first, promise to do that to the nation's citizens as a party platform and, second, actually do any of it before going into full leftist generated melt-down mode. Just saying.