it did use to be rlly funny, 2022 was peak mabye, then it all crashed, sooooo many factors both internal and external with the site, its sad, it was such a big part of my heart, so many friends, even a lover. It was my first place ever on the internet and it was sooo much fun, It was the place that gave me confidence and made me realize mabye I was actually funny and had skill in something. I felt human. It was the place that i met people who broke down my bad superstitions and asshole beliefs through talking, it has made me a better person. It was the place where i expressed myself, like a msuican through song or art artist through their painting, the memes were my canvas. Thats why I always strived to make my memes relatable and about what was happening irl at that moment, some people thought that that made them corny and dumb but I loved that expression of self and all the friends made along the way. It hit me hard when it started to fall, Even now as I'm coming back its hitting hard. It has taken a small chunk of my heart out. Now don't get me wrong things have moved to replace it, my bf, my yt channel, sports, school, a new job soon, I started writing poems, gaming ( where im getting more serious, might go pro on that yt) but then again, imgflip will always have a place in my heart and it is always sad when it takes a hit.