All anyone needs to know to vote against that lying sack of scum, shiftless pencil neck Schiff is that he stood in front of the public for months, telling us he had proof of Russian collusion, and then produced NONE OF IT.
He was also caught trying to get someone to give him evidence of the aforementioned Russian collusion *after* he said he already had proof. Turn that evidence over to the FBI instead of Schiff? No, he would not advise the person to do that. Ordinarily I'd say trying to do that proves what a sleaze he is, but under Biden's DOJ, the FBI no longer has the trust of the American people.
So go ahead fellow Taxifornians, vote in that feckless waste of carbon, that utter waste of humanity known as Bug Eyed Lyin' Amoral Schiff, and we'll get exactly what we deserve.