Nobody said GSW, did they ?
Nu skin, interior stitches, steroids, maybe THEY are watching YOU & sending older photos to you, so you think it's a yooj conspiracy & get online to preach it.
0 ups, 6mo,
1 reply
Trump has repeatedly said he was shot - here's a video where he claims he "took a bullet for democracy" around 40 seconds in:
Then we have his son Eric telling reporters "somebody took off half his ear" - mind you this was at the convention where he was wearing the huge ear diaper, which was only a week before the image I posted earlier of his wholly intact, uninjured ear.
Are we really supposed to believe his ear magically grew back in that time? The photo I posted wasn't faked or older, it was from when Adin Ross showed up at Mar-a-lago two weeks after the 'assassination attempt' to give Trump a Cybertruck that was wrapped with a photo of said "assassination attempt". Here's the video of that event - you can stop and zoom in on the ear...
0 ups, 6mo
Better quality - 46 seconds in we get a full shot of the miraculously healed ear
You dont recall a loser telling his lemmings to "go to the capital"? Do you recall the brawl on the steps? That wasnt a visitation.....that was lemmings doing the losers word!
You do understand 10% of those arrested at the capital did not vote in that wasnt was LOST. LOSING IS LOSERS DO!!!!
They do NOT want to do that, I have an F-99 & I know how to Cornpop it.
Uncle WhatsHisNuts taught me before he got eaten by cannabis.
Cackle, cackle, slurp, slurp, whinny, whinny !
Abortion, trans, pills, therapy, Satanic.
Exactly....what is funny....the message isnt real conversation...
I wo der how he feels about bootstraps? We may never know...still caught up on spelling to have genuine thought or comment. That must mean they agree, huh?
I would love to go around endlessly on your tricycle built for 2.
But I tire of it ever so fast & just call you a *&^/$#@! & then can't comment on worthy topics.
I never understood why when trying to bust others on their typos people simply just don't proofread what they themselves typed in the process of trying to bust someone else. Nearly always they have misspellings in their corrections as well.
It's like the pot trying to call the kettle a tub.
Nobody paid a foreign government to falsify shit - the Washington Free Beacon started oppo research on Trump during the 2016 primary, and Hillary's campaign picked up the tab when they dropped the contract after he was nominated.
Opposition research is a question of what foreign powers -say- they have, which is exactly what the Steele Dossier contained.
As for Russia helping Trump get elected in 2016, the GOP Senate commission found that was absolutely true.