Evidence Mounts for Kamala Role in J6 Plot...
"I do not believe Harris was an original participant in the plot. I believe she stumbled into it. Her silence, however, has made her complicit. By January 17, 2021, as politically useful as it would have been for her to recount her near assassination by way of a terrorist bomb, she had learned to keep her mouth shut.
As she surely knows by now, the bomb plot bears no scrutiny. The FBI continues to insist the RNC and DNC bombs were viable and planted the night before, but the presence of the Secret Service at the DNC for several hours on the morning of January 6 makes that contention hard to believe. Agents swept the exterior of the building more than once.
I do not believe the conspirators expected Harris to be at the DNC. The recently released video evidence suggests a last-minute adjustment to the plot so awkward and obvious no one wanted to be held responsible for it. No one wanted it even mentioned. Harris got the word.
In a real campaign, a real media would be hounding Harris with questions. But the Harris campaign is about as authentic as the pipe bombs. Although they won’t get an answer, Republicans are going to have to ask the questions, starting with, “So, Kamala, what did you know and when did you know it?”"