Ever since Episcopalian Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde asked Donald Trump to show mercy in a church service the other day, some folks have attacked her while others have come to her defense.
I saw a lot of irony in her plea for mercy, however: how one cult leader (no one has persecuted more throughout history than the Church) showed the temerity--the outright audacity--to ask another cult leader to show mercy on those in his way.
The Church, in all it's murderous glory, has a helluva lot of nerve asking anyone to show mercy: ever heard of the Crusades? the Spanish Inquisition? the Doctrine of Discovery? The Church has refused to show mercy throughout it's long, sordid history, and truly has no leg of mercy to stand on.
I don't support Trump: I despise his very being. And like him, I also despise the Church, with all it's show and glamour, but little love for the people who they pretend to serve.
The Smith Report is out, and it provides a substantial reminder of the betrayal America witnessed at the hands of Donald Trump after his loss in the 2020 Presidential Election.
Trump lied to his own MAGA morons, repeatedly telling them that the election had been stolen; that 'suitcases' full of illegal votes were being brought in in the middle of the night; that they needed to 'fight like hell or they weren't going to have a country anymore.'
Because they had been conditioned to accept every lie he told them for years, the MAGA faithful showed up in Washington D.C. on the 6th day of January, 2021, and stormed our nation's capital, beating police officers, and defecating on the seat of government--an attack that was conceived and planned by Donald Trump on the Day of Certification, when the entire Congress would be there.
He cared nothing for the members of Congress who gathered that day. He cared nothing for his own Vice-President, who had to run for his own life. And he cared nothing for his own MAGA followers, who themselves were later arrested and imprisoned. Some even died, but Trump never attended a single funeral. Never gave one single pardon.
But he loved them.
Donald Trump is the worst traitor this nation has ever known: worse than Benedict Arnold; worse than the Rosenbergs.
Because Trump betrayed all of us: not only his enemies, but he also betrayed his own followers.
And we must bring his fat. lying. raping. stealing. and. pathetic. ass to justice.
Historically, there is no physical evidence that Jesus even existed. The Bible is a collection of myths, recycled from many ancient civilizations like Egypt, Sumeria, and Mesopotamia.
Unfortunately, there are billions of people worldwide who believe in the Jesus myth, yet they do not know what the Bible states. Here, from the Gospel of John, Jesus--the Word--is declared to be God. Next, we have verses 2 & 3 from 1 Samuel 15, where God is ordering the killing of men and women, children and babies....and since Jesus IS God, Jesus was there and ordered the killing of those innocent children and babies!
Lest we forget about the Flood, or the 42 boys who were mauled by bears--Jesus did those horrific things too! And the countless other horrors from the Old Testament--all the work of Jesus!
America must begin to take a long, hard look at this nonsense we've held so dear for too long. It is this same Bible that teaches Americans racism, misogyny, homophobia, and oppression!
No wonder we fall for lying politicians: we have been conditioned to accept falsehoods since our earliest days simply on FAITH!
Heritage of Freedom?
You mean the heritage of WHITE freedom, don't you?
There has NEVER been a heritage of freedom for every American, so stop lying to yourself about history, and stop lying to all of us.
Even the go***mn Founders lacked courage to free the slaves: they let the slaves make all the sacrifices while the MAN enjoyed the bounty. And then, after Black Americans fought in every war this country ever had, the nation repeatedly put them back "in their place" in the caste system of racial animus they have long endured.
You cannot speak to liberty or to freedom when you have spent most of your existence oppressing natives, Blacks, and women.