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No Law in politics
Have Mercy! in politics
Remember this Day Forever in politics
Jesus is a Baby Killer in politics
1 up, 3mo
Jesus is a Baby Killer!

Historically, there is no physical evidence that Jesus even existed. The Bible is a collection of myths, recycled from many ancient civilizations like Egypt, Sumeria, and Mesopotamia.

Unfortunately, there are billions of people worldwide who believe in the Jesus myth, yet they do not know what the Bible states. Here, from the Gospel of John, Jesus--the Word--is declared to be God. Next, we have verses 2 & 3 from 1 Samuel 15, where God is ordering the killing of men and women, children and babies....and since Jesus IS God, Jesus was there and ordered the killing of those innocent children and babies!

Lest we forget about the Flood, or the 42 boys who were mauled by bears--Jesus did those horrific things too! And the countless other horrors from the Old Testament--all the work of Jesus!

America must begin to take a long, hard look at this nonsense we've held so dear for too long. It is this same Bible that teaches Americans racism, misogyny, homophobia, and oppression!

No wonder we fall for lying politicians: we have been conditioned to accept falsehoods since our earliest days simply on FAITH!
Eisenhower Heritage of Freedom in politics
1 up, 3mo
Heritage of Freedom?
You mean the heritage of WHITE freedom, don't you?
There has NEVER been a heritage of freedom for every American, so stop lying to yourself about history, and stop lying to all of us.
Even the go***mn Founders lacked courage to free the slaves: they let the slaves make all the sacrifices while the MAN enjoyed the bounty. And then, after Black Americans fought in every war this country ever had, the nation repeatedly put them back "in their place" in the caste system of racial animus they have long endured.
You cannot speak to liberty or to freedom when you have spent most of your existence oppressing natives, Blacks, and women.