See what I mean. Gabbard and Kennedy strayed off the farm and immediate the attack machine came out to inform all of the sheeple that they are "nut cases". I've intentionally listened to their speeches. I was very impressed with both of them. They are both very intelligent people with a few good ideas and a whole lot of not so good ideas. I would never vote for them for president but conversely if the Dems elected them I would not be upset either. The both love this country and do not want to see it collapse. I have not heard any Democrat candidate, other than Gabbard and Kennedy, ever once say that they love this country. All I have heard for decades is how much they have to change this country. Change, change and more change. And if you question it then you are afraid of change. No, I am not afraid of change, I just want them to be honest on what they want to change.
5 days before the 2008, Obama said he was going to "fundamentally change America". That should have worried everyone who believes in freedom, inalienable rights and liberty. He wanted to change this nation at it's foundation. Fortunately, he wasn't able to do that but he sure screwed up big parts of America.
Horrible Harris (BTW the Finnish word for "horrible" is "kamala") keeps repeating her mantra "what can be, unburdened by what has been". Well... what have we been. We used to be the freest nation to have ever existed. Our Constitution is unlike any other Constitution in that it was written from the viewpoint of "We The People" instead of "Us The Government". It is a statement telling the government what we will and will not allow it to do. It places strict limits on the government. It created three separate and equal branches of the government to regulate the governments power and prevent any one branch from violating the rights of the people. That's what we used to be, anyway. And Harris called that a "burden".
Now what bothers me the most is that both Obama and Harris were raised by Marxists. Marxism is all the know. Biden, on the other hand, is just an idiot. He was an evil toxic narcissist idiot, then he got dementia and became a demented evil toxic narcissist idiot.
Why Marxism? What is the attraction? It has been a dismal failure everywhere it has been tried. It is responsible for the murder of 100 million people in the 20th century. And yet, it is more popular than ever.
I will not live in a Marxist regime.