What is actually disingenuous at best, and inappropriate at worst, is the Irish Officials inviting O'Bama to unveil a statue of Republican Party member Frederick Douglass based solely upon a small minority of Irish Officials perceptions of skin color, certainly not shared political ideology.
O'Bama is the son of a Kenyan Citizen; not a descendant of British Slaves in the USA/Brtiish-colonial South. O'Bama is a Democrat of the Party of Confederacy Sympathizer Andrew Johnson, Abe Lincoln's successor.
Frederick Douglass was a Republican of the Political Party of Salmon P. Chase and Abe Lincoln, an escaped Slave in the former British Colony of Maryland. The same former British Colony of Maryland with Irish roots, Catholic Bishop John Carroll.
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O'Bama got elected as a Marxian-Activist Democrat Party leftwing radical. The same Democrat Party
with members in context of Frederick Douglass lifetime, such as
1. James Mason (Grandson of USA founding father George Mason IV)
caught in The Trent Affair
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and 2. Lewis Washington (great grandnephew of George Washington) taken hostage in the 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry by Frederick Douglass friend, John Brown.
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