Anime does a better remake of Disney Stories than Disney. Did you guys see Belle? It was basically a reimagining of Beauty and the Beast if made by the people behind Summer Wars. It was a remake yet totally it's own thing at the same time. Sometimes the Japanese are surprisingly good stewards of other culture's myths and legends. I would trust Disney to do the Chronicles of Narnia justice before I would trust most western studios, religious or secular.
Can you imagine if the people behind Studio Ghibli (Princess Mononoke in particular) and Tales of Vesperia: First Strike teamed up to take on Narnia?
I heard Zelda being called the Lord of the Rings of gaming by someone (Nostalgia Critic). There's a thought. Imagine if Peter Jackson teamed up with Studio Ghibli to make an epic and serious Zelda anime movie.
Japan might take liberties with it, even go crazy, but get the right people on it and I think they would do so with respect, even if it was a chaotic one.