Stealing the income from hard-working American people and giving to foreigners who do a thing didn't earn it, very conservative of you, about as conservative as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
0 ups, 8mo,
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Nope... sounds like you're the very liberal one in this regard. Clearly.
America protects our interests overseas and supporting the sole democracy in the Middle East and our very good ally Israel is in the best interest of the American people. Using tax money (not stolen as you misstate) for the "common defense" is a Constitutional ideal. You need to learn before you post.
I agree dumping money into Ukraine is not in our interests -- you get one right. But comparing apples to steaks is not rational nor logical. Enough said.
Found the paid IDF poster! Russia has killed less American sailors than Israel. Check out the attack on the USS Liberty anyone is unaware and then tell me Israel is our greatest ally, more like our greatest liability
We shouldn't be involved in the wars of foreign nations, we should focus on our own issues in our own nation. If you don't support Palestine, you're a racist, genocidal anti-muslim nazi! If you don't Israel, you're an antisemitic Islamic terrorist supporter!