It's all about the optics. What else is politics about? It's about liars lying, and somehow having the ability to con people into buying into it.
Come on, he didn't create a single job, other than some government ones.
He didn't do anything for the Stock Market. No one does. Just those buying and selling stocks. You can't even say it's confidence in whomever is in office that might affect market trends, because often it's panic that causes them to sell, then buy up 3 days later. Then sell again. Then repeat.
EU countries and China selling off US Treasury Bills while investors buy up silver and gold are better barometers of what's actually going on then what's going on on Wall Street. Sure, stocks might be an indicator of overall trends, but again, bottom line, it has nothing to do with the buffoon in office.
Congress passes laws, he signs. How many of them did he actually authorize? The infrastructure one? Yay, Baltimore, the Federal Government is going to pick up the tab, as opposed to who else? And now Arkansas no longer has an excuse to not invest in some Rust-Oleum for its covered bridges in cow pie counties. That's it, that's his legacy. A bill to get the Federal Government to do what it's been doing since the Great Depression. Only now they get to waste even more money on it.
His cabinet is Ringling Brothers worthy. His stances seem designed to irritate Trump's base, which is a really sure way of getting them to shrug their shoulders and simply not vote for Trump this time around. Illegal immigration? It is a flat out lie that Biden has done nothing about it. Who the heck supplies free rent, food stamps, Medicaid, and expediated citizenship to illegal aliens en masse? They're supposed to come here, rent an 8hr slot on a cot for $35 a night - or day - and do the jobs that no one wants, and that for well below minimum wage. That's why they come here. That's their purpose. That's what we get from them.
Sounds cold, but that's the reality. They can stay home on a big farm with their extended family and live comfortable lives, albeit without the His and Hers SUVs in the driveway, but no. Don't they come here because to date no one has posted on their Facebook page so they're relatives can see back in the old country that the streets really are not paved in gold in here? Doesn't matter, because now they're going straight to good housing and great jobs. At the expense of taxpayers.
Time for Joe to go.