Some even openly stating that they're their timer alts.
Some not, yet they're known by others, including the overseers. One of them used two alts after finally getting comment banned as well, not only to continue to insult, but to collectively downvote others. I know for a fact that HQ knew about this. That person believed that I was the alt of a mod, so kept going at me, downvoting on my comments as well as making memes about me, stating I was that mod. Nothing was done - although one time I did post a link one of them to someone who had posted me another earlier (he posted at least 3 copies of it), and I got a timer. For insulting myself. Literally.
Finally after a year and a quarter of this, expanding out to going at others, the 3 of them were deleted.
Also on some of the other streams that was not involved in politics, memers also openly use timer alts, often with a .2 attached.