The significance of Hunter's Laptop is almost entirely fabricated, and attempts to pump up its importance are far more bogus than anything in Steele's report. It has no connection to Joe Biden and if you think it does, show me a credible link.
Hunter grifted to the tune of $11,000,000 dollars. In the everlasting grift of the Trump family, Jared used his Trump connection to tap the Saudis to the tune of not one, but two, billion dollars.
In context, this means that Hunter's grift was 0.55% (or half of one percent) of Kushner's grift.
For the kind of research document it was, the Steele dossier was - like preliminary dossiers developed by the CIA and the FBI - about 75% accurate - par for the course.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify a number of issues that you either don't understand, or would like to muddle.
If you have evidence, show me your sources, show me the links. (QAnonsense doesn't count. Nor does Fox News. "Here's How Fox News' Low-Quality Information Fuels Trump's Policies":