That's right. The same people who are protesting and hating on Israel were the same people that said terrorists that murdered almost 3000 people should be given the same right concerning the constitution and courts as regular citizens get.
You are absolutely right, when these terrorists terrorize and kill civilians, leftists blame the west, when Israel invade Gaza in retaliation, they call it terrorism, but hey i have a stream dedicated to clowning these people:
All evidence points to no planes, no Muslims, altered footage and pictures, and a complete failure of military/government in protecting its citizens, even though the alleged planes were hijacked for an hour with no response from government/military, and no one has been reprimanded, demoted, or put on trial over the events in a quarter century since.
Same "government" that has been chipping away at the US Federal Constitution ever since.
Never forget: More buildings fell than were "hit"
(((AmeriKKKunt))): "wE iNvAdEd iRaQ bEcAuZe tHeY hAd nUkEs!!!"
Sane human being: "What about North Korea?"
(((AmeriKKKunt))): "aRe yOu f**KiNg kIdDiNg tHeY hAvE nUkEs!!!"
Sane human being: "So are you going to recoup the billions of damages and millions murdered over a lie you already knew it was a hoax before you even committed it?"
(((AmeriKKKunt))): "nO! bEcAuZe wE aRe tEh cIvIlIzEd wEsT!!!"
(((Netanyahu))): “The Nazis believed in a master race. The militant Islamists believe in a master faith.”
((("The free, peaceful and civilized West"))): "We're the master race! The master morality! The master values! The master civility! The master freedom! The master human rights! The master religion! The master ideology! The master gender! The master sexual orientation!"
Zero natural resources stolen in Iraq or Afghanistan, Zero absolute monarchs installed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the majority of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan unharmed by US troops.
Source: Uncle Sa(tan)mantha told me that through her prosthetic TV breasts and I can't think for myself for even 0.00000001 millisecond to fact-check it.
You literally just spew out the same nonsense that Islamic terrorists spew out, I bet you haven’t had a single original thought since you decided to start using Twitter and TikTok.
Are you going to deny that (((AmeriKKKa))) the Great Satan and world's #1 terrorist invaded Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya over lies? Oh, same ((("free, peaceful and civilized Utopia!"))) that seriously think "nO oNe eVeR cOnSeNtEd aT tEh aGe oF 6! 3-yEaR-oLd iS aN eXcLuSiVe eXcEpTiOnAl aGe!!!" that explains a lot.
Keep repeating (((AmeriKKKa))) the Great Satan and world's #1 terrorist's lies from her prosthetic TV breasts and stay mad whenever someone exposes the devil in details.
America is the reason why Libya exists in the first place, if not for the United States the allies would not have won WW2 and Libya would never have become independent.
Wow, so (((AmeriKKKa))) the Great Satan and world's #1 terrorist fought WW2 to rid the world from these evil colonizers like Britain, France, Italy who invaded and colonized 95% of the planet like India, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Sudan, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, South Africa, Congo and EVEN NEUTRAL COUNTRIES FOR NO F**KING REASON LIKE IRAN IN 1941 and the list goes on to free them? That's new to me! Why didn't they stop the Algerian genocide then?
Here's what an ACTUAL GENOCIDE AND CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY looks like unlike your kindergarten and Disneyland definition of "gEnOcIdE!!!" you're thinking of.
I never denied the fact that there was f**ked I’m shit that happened during the Algerian War of Independence, both sides did their fair share of f**ked up shit, France used brutal torture methods against the Algerians and the Algerians used terror tactics against the French. Besides this argument had nothing to do with that war in the first place you just brought because you have no argument and know that I am right.