My science teacher's wife has a medical condition, which, according to him, is terminal. I don't remember what it's called, but I do know that it has something to do with extremely high blood pressure.
The biggest thing (in my opinion, at least), is that her blood pressure is incredibly high, which has resulted in an obstruction, thus her heart has to work harder to get the blood and oxygen where it needs to be. When the heart works harder, it gets bigger. The thing is, her heart is working so hard (again, due to the obstruction) and is getting so big that it's compressing her lungs. According to my teacher, she can't walk more than ten feet without running out of oxygen.
Apparently, the biggest fear the doctors have is that her heart will rupture. If that happens, she dies instantly...
If you know me well, you know that I hate feeling powerless, especially when it comes to helping others. If I understand what my teacher said, death is inevitable, be it from lack of oxygen or the heart rupturing. I hate this feeling of powerlessness, especially since it has caused visible changes to my science teacher. At the beginning of the year, he was bright and happy, even considering his wife's condition (at the time). Now... I just feel so... useless.
My main point: Please pray for my teacher's wife. Scientifically speaking, this condition is terminal. I barely ever ask people to pray for others, because I don't know where they stand on religion... but I'm asking you not as the owner of a stream or a partner in a roleplay. I'm asking as a friend - one who's incredibly concerned for someone else. I know I can't help... but I believe that God can. Please, just consider praying, even if you're not religious.