So, The American Viking is good with Trump's daughter Ivanka
being highly involved in the WEF ?
As long as Trump becomes POTUS Again.... gotcha.
Glad you have so much insight into the WEF and whom they are supporting and whatnot.
4 months ago, around Thanksgiving, the son of Hussein Najadi, the Co-Founder with Klaus Schwab of WEF, Pascal Najadi had some things to say about the WEF and President Trump in an interview with Dr. Drew and Dr. Victory.
Something to do with 2018 and President Trump invoking the War Powers Act, and then on 7th of September of 2022, Joey R. Biden, extended the order.
Skip ahead to the 45:40 mark to cut directly to the most interesting thing he said, if you're interested regarding Executive Order 13848 that anyone can look up at the website