First it's 8 hours, then it's 24, then it's 48, then it's comment banned like what happened to Mini, or complete the account deletion if you haven't been that active that long.
For me it's catch up time, note replies I've yet to get to, find memes I never got around to submitting, delete excess detritus, no pressure to reply ASAP...
So it wouldn't be bad for me if it wasn't for the bias, but look at the end result.
The mainstream got divided into Fun and Politics because of them, too late as they killed the Golden Era, then they made timers necessary, then Politics became no longer a featured stream, then they made their own streams into echo chambers that they don't even use as much, then they were banned from Imgflip_Presidents, they swamped Politics_Redux and Politics3 into silence...
And while this is going on, it's the civil voices that are getting silenced, while those who monitor give those who are doing the damage even their own streams are given up a pass.
So it's not so much about them undoing themselves in reaction to others like us, it's about killing once promising activity. HQ claims no big deal, that's supposedly it's only 5% of the membership of supposedly 100 million (a number theorized on the finding of the occasional meme on Twitter and other places!?!) that comment.
But that 5% is responsible for how much of the activity here, 20%, 35%, 48%? Each meme they make, each comment they post, every thread they read, is a hit on a page, and ads they're exposed to. That sure beats that time Randy Quaid made a meme here back in 2021. A lot.
They claim otherwise with that whopping even 100 million, but the site is sinking. Even the swarm of schoolkids who joined en mass during the 2020 lockdown are ditching, and have repeatedly been pointing this out.