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They mention everything else but PEACE

They mention everything else but PEACE | image tagged in lib hypocrites,a ceasefire does not equal peace | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
134 views 11 upvotes Made by AmericanViking 4 months ago in Real_Politics
3 ups, 3mo,
3 replies
Peace hasn't been an option since 1917, when the Zionist Terrorism, and Genocide of the Palestinians began in earnest. Since that time - war of varying and generally increasing intensities, has been declared against them - initially by gangs of terrorist Zionist thugs called the Irgun, Hagganah and the Stern Gang - who have largely been supplanted by the Zionist Occupation Forces, Mossad and Shin Bet, ever since (though, of course we cannot neglect to note the terrorism against the Palestinian people, by Genocidal Messianic Zionist Settlers, undef the protection of the Zionist Occupation Forces and "Police").

It should be noted, that armed resistance to Settler Colonial Occupation isn't automatically "terrorism," under International la - it's actually quite lawful.
"Intifada" just means uprising - which has always occurred as a response to Zionist Entity and Zionist Settler- colonizer violence and oppression against the Palestinians - who are allowed to have no military, by the Anglo-American Zionist Empire, which is the party directing the Genocide against them. Far from being a call for Genocide - "From the River to the Sea" - means the restoration of the lawful civilian authority of a democratic Palestinian state home rule, which existed under the Ottomans, and to a lesser extent, under the "British Mandate" - in place of a Genocidal, undemocratic ,Apartheid Ethno-supremacist entity, orchestrated for the purpose of their annihilation and displacement. Torah-Faithful Jews, who had always lived in peace with the Palestinians, prior to the Zionist movement's creation and rise, in about the mid-19th Century, have ALWAYS opposed the Zionist project, as a disaster for both Jews and Judaism, and the Palestinians. See:
3 ups, 3mo,
2 replies
Then you dont understand the full history. Peace was an option, but guess who broke it, the Palestinians, yeah they were always the aggressors so next time before claiming false claims, learn the full history and it seems the Palestinians have been the terrorists here not zionism
2 ups, 3mo,
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Hasbarah BULLSHIT detected.

You can tell when Zionists are LYING - because they're lips will be moving.

In fact Jabotinsky - the Ukrainian Zionist UltraNationalist - the Zionist Bandera - was writing about the need to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people, from the time of the Balfour declaration.
2 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
you practically proved my point dumbass, cause last time i checked if a country wanted to protect itself, they wouldn't do their own Heines crimes. Also Zionism is a good thing, to bring back jews to their homeland, its not their fault their land was taken by a bunch of arrogant fools who cant handle peace and a 2 state solution. So it seems you are talking the bullshit here not me. Get your facts right before you start yapping bullshit.
2 ups, 3mo,
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Khazars who converted in the 4th Century have no "Homeland"claims. And IT IS FORBIDDEN by the Jewish Religion - for anyone but the G-d that Jews are supposed to have faith-in - to attempt to end their divinely-decreed exile and diaspora. Zionism is explicitly a rebellion against G-d - begun in the 19th Century by atheists and assimilationists, working with anti-,Jewish Bigots(who wanted Jews deported from their countries of origin in Europe), and Luciferian Occultists.

You're going to need to show your work - if you're claiming that proved one of your bullshit points somewhere. I did nothing of the sort.

And Netanyahu and his Fascist Coalition have been supporting Hamas - SPECIFICALLY TO PREVENT a 2-State Solution from being achievable. Regardless - a one SECULAR State solution, where the rights of all are protected - creating a democratic state there for the first time since at least 1917, is the only just answer in Stolen Palestine - that would be consistent with Jewish law.

I have "MY" Facts - actually THE FACTS quite straight - and your familiar Zionist lies, as well. Professor Norman Finkelstein, a child of Nazi Genocide survivors, would piece you up in less than one round. As an alleged historian - you're a FRAUD.
1 up, 3mo
Hats off to you for your CLEAR EVIDENCE! And to the mentally deranged buffoon named (((DanielNutsubidze))) and anyone like *it,* just look at how pathetic *it* is, *it* is intentionally browsing as much posts tagged "Israel" to shill for this pedophilic, zoophilic, Satanic genocidal terrorist "state" IsraHell as much as possible, AND YET getting triggered and then whining and bitching when *it* finds just ONE post that isn't a 1:1 carbon copy of its mentally deranged artificial religion, more like CULT!
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Glad to see you got all the memes to prove your points. You're as pathetic as the people on gab doing that. Sure you're not a leftist? Got some pictures of storms to prove climate change too?
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
So, thank you for acknowledging that your arguments are WEAK - by immediately launching into ad hominems. Yes, memes... Also known as EVIDENCE - to prove what should already be apparent to anyone with eyes and the basic skills of discernment.

Why are you trying to change the subject there, at the end?
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
I'm sorry. I didn't realize I were talking to a Congresswoman, Alexandria.
1 up, 3mo
You're as wrong about that - as everything ELSE, apparently. Representative AOCIA is not even in my cohort of allies. There was a time when some on the left were taken-in by her... But we quickly realized who she actually is - when she refused to #ForceTheVote (on healthcare for all), by withholding support from Pelosi's bid for House Speakershipin January of 2020, when she and 'the (Fraud) Squad' and the Fauxgressive Caucus actually had adequate leverage, and refused to use it.

By contrast, the Conservative Caucus were quite commendable, in actually representing their constituency, when they removed Kevin McCarthy from the Speaker position.
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
Hamas propaganda as always. Man your brain has become a dump.
1 up, 3mo
Max Blumenthal PROVES the points that he makes about Zionist LIES and HASBARAH. Hamas has nothing to do the work he does at ... Also there's

for instance:

How does Hamas manage to put "Hamas propaganda" aka reality - into the mouths of Zionist officials?
0 ups, 3mo,
2 replies
They can't accept that Jews have been there a long long time. and the Arabs are later imports. Their temples came later. So I have no sypathy for any "Palestinian" claiming they own the land. It's all propaganda and those like above, fall for it every time.
1 up, 3mo,
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Jimmy Wales is a Zionist Imperialist - and the Mossad has Armies of "editors" to shape and distort 'facts' on that platform. I wonder why Professor Norman Finkelstein doesn't need to resort to citing it?

You are incorrect about the heritage of the Palestinians. Their lineages trace back thousands of years, in the same land - from which the ancient Israelites were expelled, as a divine punishment for their idolatry, and their failures to keep their covenants with the almighty.

By your logic, the survivors of the Genocide against the indigenous peoples and First Nations of the Americas, would have good cause to start practicing an EthnoSupremacist ultranationalist apartheid and Genocide, against the Europeans who're living in the Americas... But it seems like the throughline in your thinking is just support for Eurocentric supremacy, and Imperialism.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
I'm sorry Alexandria. As Mark Twain said, never argue with an idiot. He'll only bring you down to his level of idiocy.
1 up, 3mo
Yes well, I should also follow that advice, since clearly, you talking about yourself. And no... I don't even 'identify' as a woman.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Zionism was a movement to bring back jews to their homeland. Not their fault ignorant Arabs didnt want a 2 state solution
1 up, 3mo
Zionism has always been an a Genocidal EthnoSupremacist movement (for people of Jewish ancestry, that rejected the Torah, and have no faith) - that never for a moment intended for there to be more than one State, and is still pursuing plans for a "Greater Israel" - like Hitler had plans for a "Greater Germany".

What was rejected by some groups of Palestinian leaders (Palestinians aren't a Monolith) was a 'poison pill' offer - to be allowed a series of Bantustans, without any contiguity, border controls, or military -within an overtly hostile and expansionist Apartheid State, appropriating the lands and sovereignty that were stolen from them.

Unlike the Jewish people, Palestinians haven't been under any divinely decreed prohibition on their having a sovereign State of their own, or any order for their exile from the holy land.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Yeah and they listen to Hamas propaganda to escape reality
1 up, 3mo
It's weird how so many decent, honest Jews, have been saying these things that you call "Hamas Propaganda" (a Zionist Entity HASBARAH term) - since before the Zionist Entity fostered Hamas into existence.

Miko Peled, Ilan Papé, Norman Finkelstein, Gideon Levy, etc., etc..
2 ups, 3mo,
3 replies
Still they mention nothing with PEACE.
1 up, 3mo
Btw... That's not really true - "No Justice - No Peace" was on the list of slogans being chanted as we protested Nancy Pelosi's fund raiser in the actual Jewish homeland of Beverly Hills, California on Sunday, and then again at a protest at a Ted Lieu fundraiser at a home in Venice, on Tuesday evening.
1 up, 3mo
Nat Turner and John Brown weren't interested in "Peace", either. Graveyards are peaceful. They want JUSTICE - and that is the only true way to achieve peace.

MLK Jr. had some pretty good quotes about that...
1 up, 3mo
Me when I don’t know what the definition of a ceasefire is:
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Kind of tells you everything when there aren't any Arab countries willing to take in Palestinians...
2 ups, 3mo
Considering that their neighboring countries (Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Egypt) previously took in refugees from the Zionist NAKBA and successive Genocides... And then the Zionist entity refused those refugees their Internationally accepted "Right of Return" - meaning these displaced populations, requiring services and benefits and emenities to merely survive... Who can blame them. The NATO Empire goes around the planet destroying places (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc., etc.) and the US has been destroying Mexico, Central and South America for more than a Century and a half - and yet the little people in neither want to accept the refugees that THEY CREATED, themselves. What did Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt etc., do to deserve that burden? And the Palestinians have the RIGHT to remain in-, or return to- Palestine - where their ancestors planted the forests of olive trees, that the settlers destroy and steal.
1 up, 3mo
Pro-Palestinian activists: “Israel” is the one provoking a war.

“Israel”: Yeah lmfao we call it the Dahiya doctrine and mowing the grass.

Zionists: Hmm, clearly the pro-Palestinian activists are in the wrong here.
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