Title 42 worked great. Biden’s first executive order was to end this… Surprise surprise, illegal immigration increased. There are literal known illegal crossing points. They could be secured any day by executive order, but no, our administration lets the illegal crossings continue…
Here is exactly why (article is from NY Times but behind paywall on their website):
“We can Replace Them”
The “Great Replacement Theory” seems to be a reality, not a theory. If that’s what it takes for the left to maintain power, I respect their commitment to the goal, our country’s well being be damned..
The fact that liberal media has attempted to twist the left’s open border policies to be the fault of the party fighting to close them is absolutely hilarious.
For Pete’s sake, please open your eyes and at least consider the facts I have put in front of you.
Lastly, MOST politicians on both sides are corrupt AF. The right won’t solve the problems, and the left seems to keep creating them. At least we can see some truth if we look hard enough.