I recognize that there is a difference between a republic and true democracy, but the argument you are making here is nothing more than an exploit of the minuscule differences in order rebut an argument that none of your opponents are truly making.
It’s issues like these that we call “Political Theater”, where the parties essentially create problems (CRT, Identity Politics, and this whole Democracy vs. Republic debate) to distract the public from the more pressing issues (Border security, Wasteful Military spending, etc) they cannot, or will not, solve themselves.
These issues remain unresolved because they get the party votes, so if they completely solved a problem, their voters may cross party lines since their issues have been solved. So, in an attempt to look like they are doing things, they use Political theater while claiming the other side is to blame for their big issues remaining unresolved, rather than their own refusal to do a thing about it
I know where I stand on the political spectrum, and it is true that I am more left leaning than the average imgflip user, and, given your meme here, it appears you lean a bit more right. That means it is likely that neither of us will be able to change the other’s mind, but I still do enjoy exchanging ideas with conservatives. If there’s a topic you want my opinion on, ask away, though I will say I don’t have much more I’d like to say on loan forgiveness