Again, modda, I am not making a point about this issue. I may have to post that 3 to even 5 or 6 times before you actually read it, and it seeps into your consciousness, if ever. That's why it's up front for you with this post.
The fact that if something is on the news "countless times" is proof to you of its veracity is just sad.
Please pay attention to the number of times they get it wrong, when they're trying to get it right. You know, actual news, which doesn't even take into account their lying. You clearly do not want to grasp the scope of the media's lying. Again, because you want to believe their lies. (especially when they're anti-Trump lies...)
Why don't you have the least bit of intellectual curiosity about the lying media?
Once I did some actual digging and checking on the media, my eyes were opened wide. They lie to us routinely. The only question is if we're sheeple enough to lap it uip. The left clearly is.