, a SANE news website that counters the MSM's Israeli narratives that it's proactively hiding from the masses to deceive them. There are others too of course.
Umm... Natural News does actually cover that Ukrainians are Nazis, in fact, it covered at least 2 articles where YouTube was censoring evidence of Ukrainians being Nazis.
You did not see the videos I sent, did you? The first video does provide context of the IDF using human shields, in fact, the Palestinian who was being used as a human shield was interviewed and said he was FORCED to be a human shield in the interview.
1. What the Palestinian is saying here could be a complete lie, It’s his word and a wing of a terrorist group that is used as “context” for the video, I’m gonna trust the IDF on this one
2. The men in Balaclavas look absolutely nothing like the IDF, I highly doubt that it is, also the kid was released when the IDF got there.
3. The only one that actually had an Israeli commander using human shields completely destroyed your narrative since in the Video they say that the POS that did that was suspended and investigated.
Your prophet married a six year old and raped her when she was nine, I ain’t trying to say that all Muslims are pedophiles, I’m simply pointing gut your Hypocrisy when you say that “AlL jEwS aRe PeDoPhIlEs“
We don't worship Muhammad like you low IQ subhuman and slanderers who worship the pedophile ((("chosen people"))), what do you think is Allah in Islam?
And when was the last time a Muslim raped a child VS when was the last time a Jew raped a child? Going by your very own "logic," all Westoids are pedophiles because they worship a "religion" that says "intercourse with minor girls less than 3-year-old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye!"
"What the Palestinian is saying here could be a complete lie, It’s his word and a wing of a terrorist group that is used as “context” for the video"
Yes, because lying scum like IsraHell who changes the headlines and make stuff up are far more credible right???
Did you know that it was China who was behind Comfort Women? Did you know that Saudi Arabia was the first to step foot on the Moon? Crazy shit!
"On this one" be honest with me (which you don't have even the slightest atom of honesty just like your pedophilic terrorist "ally" IsraHell), you swallow ALL of the lies they spew not just "this one," don't you???
Did you know that ALL 8 BILLION HUMAN BEINGS ON EARTH, INCLUDING YOU, A SUPPORTER, are considered "subhumans" in their eyes because Bava Metzia 114b in the Talmud says that?
Shooting at fleeing Palestinians is 100% something that Hamas would do and every Abrahamic religion says something bad about non believers. Christianity says that any non believers are going to hell and Islam tells people to brutally kill all non believers.
The Mishnah was written over 300 years before Muhammed was born and the Gemara was over 70 years before he was born, your doing nothing but proving that you are a Hypocrite.
Pedophilia is not Legal in Israel, It has stricter Age of consent laws than some European countries, meanwhile in a lot of Muslim countries Pedophilia is De Facto Legal because Children can get married to grown adults at young ages. Your entire argument with me has been nothing but out of context videos, straight up lies and hypocrisy.
1. I'm not the one who posted it anonymously, I'm not even sure if there's a way you can post memes anonymously since anonymous posting was disabled in most streams back in 2020.
2. It wasn't me who posted the meme against you, it was someone else as I don't know if it's even possible to post a meme anonymously anymore.